
HTTP endpoints

HTTP requests and responses


Note that return values from HTTP requested functions will be used to build a HTTP response.


See the example service after the decorator descriptions for a reference implementation of how the invoked functions may be used.

Invoker functions for HTTP services

@tomodachi.http(method, url, ignore_logging=[200])

Sets up an HTTP endpoint for the specified method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) on the url path (regexp).

Optionally, specify ignore_logging as a dict or tuple containing the status codes to omit from log output – can also be set to True to ignore everything except status code 500.

Keep-alive connections can be enabled by setting the options.http.keepalive_timeout configuration option. Read more about the keep-alive functionality under the "Options / config parameters" section.

@tomodachi.http_static(path, url)

Sets up an HTTP endpoint for static content available as GET / HEAD from the path on disk on the base url (regexp).


Sets up a websocket endpoint on the url path (regexp). The invoked function is called upon websocket connection and should return a two-valued tuple containing callables – (first) a function receiving frames and (secondly) a function called on websocket close.

The arguments passed to the decorated function upon connection, beside self, is the websocket connection object which can be used to send frames to the client, and optionally also the request object to be able to read headers, etc.


A function which will be called if an HTTP request would result in a 4XX status response. You may use this for example to set up a custom handler on 404 Not Found or 403 Forbidden responses.

Example implementation (HTTP)

import tomodachi

class Service(tomodachi.Service):
    name = "http-example"

    # Request paths are specified as regex for full flexibility
    @tomodachi.http("GET", r"/resource/(?P<id>[^/]+?)/?")
    async def resource(self, request, id):
        # Returning a string value normally means 200 OK
        return f"id = {id}"

    @tomodachi.http("GET", r"/health")
    async def health_check(self, request):
        # Return can also be a tuple, dict or even an aiohttp.web.Response
        # object for more complex responses - for example if you need to
        # send byte data, set your own status code or define own headers
        return {
            "body": "Healthy",
            "status": 200,

    # Specify custom 404 catch-all response
    async def error_404(self, request):
        return "error 404"