
Options / config parameters

A tomodachi.Service extended service class may specify a service class attribute named options (as a tomodachi.Options object that provides typed configuration and easy path traversal) for additional configuration related to AWS SNS+SQS, AMQP, HTTP, keep-alives, graceful termination timeouts, etc.

import json

import tomodachi

class Service(tomodachi.Service):
    name = "http-example"
    options = tomodachi.Options(
            content_type="application/json; charset=utf-8",

    @tomodachi.http("GET", r"/health")
    async def health_check(self, request):
        return 200, json.dumps({"status": "healthy"})

    # Specify custom 404 catch-all response
    async def error_404(self, request):
        return json.dumps({"error": "not-found"})

Here follows a table of available config parameters that can be applied as options.

Configuration keyDescriptionDefault value
http.portTCP port (integer value) to listen for incoming connections.9700
http.hostNetwork interface to bind TCP server to. "" will bind to all IPv4 interfaces. None or "" will assume all network interfaces.""
http.reuse_portIf set to True (which is also the default value on Linux) the HTTP server will bind to the port using the socket option SO_REUSEPORT. This will allow several processes to bind to the same port, which could be useful when running services via a process manager such as supervisord or when it's desired to run several processes of a service to utilize additional CPU cores, etc. Note that the reuse_port option cannot be used on non-Linux platforms.True on Linux, otherwise False
http.keepalive_timeoutEnables connections to use keep-alive if set to an integer value over 0. Number of seconds to keep idle incoming connections open.0
http.max_keepalive_requestsAn optional number (integer value) of requests which is allowed for a keep-alive connection. After the specified number of requests has been done, the connection will be closed. An option value of 0 or None (default) will allow any number of requests over an open keep-alive connection.None
http.max_keepalive_timeAn optional maximum time in seconds (int) for which keep-alive connections are kept open. If a keep-alive connection has been kept open for more than http.max_keepalive_time seconds, the following request will be closed upon returning a response. The feature is not used by default and won't be used if the value is 0 or None. A keep-alive connection may otherwise be open unless inactive for more than the keep-alive timeout.None
http.client_max_sizeThe client’s maximum size in a request, as an integer, in bytes.(1024 ** 2) * 100
http.termination_grace_period_secondsThe number of seconds to wait for functions called via HTTP to gracefully finish execution before terminating the service, for example if service received a SIGINT or SIGTERM signal while requests were still awaiting response results.30
http.real_ip_headerHeader to read the value of the client's real IP address from if service operates behind a reverse proxy. Only used if http.real_ip_from is also set and the proxy's IP correlates with a value in http.real_ip_from."X-Forwarded-For"
http.real_ip_fromIP address(es) or IP subnet(s) / CIDR. Allows the http.real_ip_header header value to be used as client's IP address if connecting reverse proxy's IP matches a value in the list or is within a specified subnet. For example ["", "", "", ""] would permit header to be used if closest reverse proxy is "" or within the three common private network IP address ranges.[]
http.content_typeDefault content-type header to use if not specified in the response."text/plain; charset=utf-8"
http.access_logIf set to the default value (boolean) True, the HTTP access log will be printed to stdout (using logger transport.http). If set to a string value, the access log will additionally also be stored to file using the value as filename / file path.True
http.server_header"Server" header value in responses."tomodachi"
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aws_sns_sqs.region_nameThe AWS region to use for SNS+SQS pub/sub API requests.None
aws_sns_sqs.aws_access_key_idThe AWS access key to use for SNS+SQS pub/sub API requests.None
aws_sns_sqs.aws_secret_access_keyThe AWS secret to use for SNS+SQS pub/sub API requests.None
aws_sns_sqs.topic_prefixA prefix to any SNS topics used. Could be good to differentiate between different dev environments.""
aws_sns_sqs.queue_name_prefixA prefix to any SQS queue names used. Could be good to differentiate between different dev environments.""
aws_sns_sqs.sns_kms_master_key_idIf set, will set the KMS key (alias or id) to use for encryption at rest on the SNS topics created by the service or subscribed to by the service. Note that an option value set to an empty string ("") or False will unset the KMS master key id and thus disable encryption at rest. If instead an option is completely unset or set to None value no changes will be done to the KMS related attributes on an existing topic.None (no changes to KMS settings)
aws_sns_sqs.sqs_kms_master_key_idIf set, will set the KMS key (alias or id) to use for encryption at rest on the SQS queues created by the service or for which the service consumes messages on. Note that an option value set to an empty string ("") or False will unset the KMS master key id and thus disable encryption at rest. If instead an option is completely unset or set to None value no changes will be done to the KMS related attributes on an existing queue.None (no changes to KMS settings)
aws_sns_sqs.sqs_kms_data_key_reuse_periodIf set, will set the KMS data key reuse period value on the SQS queues created by the service or for which the service consumes messages on. If the option is completely unset or set to None value no change will be done to the KMSDataKeyReusePeriod attribute of an existing queue, which can be desired if it's specified during deployment, manually or as part of infra provisioning. Unless changed, SQS queues using KMS use the default value 300 (seconds).None (no changes to attribute)
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aws_endpoint_urls.snsConfigurable endpoint URL for AWS SNS – primarily used for testing during development using fake services / fake endpoints.None
aws_endpoint_urls.sqsConfigurable endpoint URL for AWS SQS – primarily used for testing during development using fake services / fake endpoints.None
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amqp.hostHost address / hostname for RabbitMQ server.""
amqp.portHost post for RabbitMQ server.5672
amqp.loginLogin credentials."guest"
amqp.passwordLogin credentials."guest"
amqp.exchange_nameThe AMQP exchange name to use in the service."amq.topic"
amqp.routing_key_prefixA prefix to add to any AMQP routing keys provided in the service.""
amqp.queue_name_prefixA prefix to add to any AMQP queue names provided in the service.""
amqp.virtualhostAMQP virtualhost settings."/"
amqp.sslTLS can be enabled for supported host connections.False
amqp.heartbeatThe heartbeat timeout value defines after what period of time the peer TCP connection should be considered unreachable (down) by RabbitMQ and client libraries.60
amqp.queue_ttlTTL set on newly created queues.86400
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watcher.ignored_dirsDirectories / folders that the automatic code change watcher should ignore. Could be used during development to save on CPU resources if any project folders contains a large number of file objects that doesn't need to be watched for code changes. Already ignored directories are "__pycache__", ".git", ".svn", "__ignored__", "__temporary__" and "__tmp__".[]
watcher.watched_file_endingsAdditions to the list of file endings that the watcher should monitor for file changes. Already followed file endings are ".py", ".pyi", ".json", ".yml", ".html" and ".phtml".[]
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